Where would we be without social networking?
How would you find out about the people your friends are always talking about? Like the ones you never met..
How would you remember what "yer wan from last night" looked like?
How would you hear about people's private embarrassing stories?
Where would you get to see friend's pictures from good times together?
Yeh.. We all use social networking for a bitta "creeping"... Even if we won't admit to it :)
But then, how would we get through sticking to the computer for those long assignments if we didn't have facebook to log onto and moan about how stupid the assignments are?? (Not that they are actually that stupid.. We just get fed up of them!)
It all started with bebo...
The social networking phase started off with bebo. I remember setting it up when I was just 14. Unfortunately we still had the old dial up connection for the internet. The folks weren't too happy when the bill arrived seeing as I was full time on bebo. Bebo was thought to be amazing, you had your own space on the internet, you could put up your own thoughts, share your photos, talk to friends.. Nobody saw anything like it before.. So most people got a little bit addicted :)
Then it was facebook...
Next came the more modern and "mature" facebook. It was a slow move for a lot of young people to set themselves up on it... Myself included!
It was considered to be a site for "auld wans".. But that soon changed!
Now people can't go without it.. Walk into any computer lab in the college and at least one person is logged in on their facebook. Even people walking around the college, they're on it on their phones!
This is the new addiction :)
I think this video explains a lot about facebook.... :)
And here's one showing facebook if it was in real life!
So anyway, happy facebook... And happy creepin!